Directives aux auteurs
Instructions for authors
All manuscripts must be sent to the editor-in-chief via journal system or email ( Authors will receive confirmation by e-mail that that the work has been submitted. Authors need to present contributions that comply with the Instructions for Authors and have good scientific quality. Good scientific quality is understood as texts written in Portuguese or English with duly delineated content, essential information and a sequential organization written in a clear, intelligible manner. Texts submitted in English by non-native speakers of the language must be revised by an American or British text editor or specialist in translation services and need to be accompanied by a declaration to that effect. Papers submitted to Pesquisa e Ensino em Ciências Exatas e da Natureza that do not meet these requirements (including papers for which the language is not up to the expected standards) will be returned to the authors. The content of papers published in this journal is of the entire responsibility of the authors.
Formatting of papers
Manuscripts must be written and submitted in a single Word document (Windows version) using Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.0 spacing between lines, 2.5 cm margins and pages numbered sequentially. Tables, figures and respective legends must also be included in the document. Manuscripts must be organized following the Manuscript Categories described below. The editorial staff recommends that authors check previously published studies in Pesquisa e Ensino em Ciências Exatas e da Natureza to clear up any doubts regarding the correct structure of manuscripts to be submitted to the journal.
Manuscripts in this category need to have at least five pages in the final published electronic version. Articles must contain the results of scientific research developed by one or more authors, the information of which has not been submitted/partially or fully published in any journal or book. The scientific context of each article should be based on up-to-date national and/or international literature. Articles must have the following sequential organization: 1) title (concise and informative, containing up to 25 words); 2) name(s) of author(s); 3) institutional affiliation(s) of author(s) together with postal address; 4) name and e-mail of corresponding author; 5) Resumo (concise and informative, delineating the objective and presenting the main results of the study in up to 200 words in Portuguese); 6) key words in Portuguese (four to six words that do not overlap those in the title); 7) Abstract (concise and informative, delineating the objective and presenting the main results of the study in up to 200 words in English); 8) Key words in English (four to six words identical to those in the resumo); 9) running head, not exceeding 40 characters; 10) Introduction; 11) Material and Methods or Methodology; 12) Results; 13) Discussion or 14) Results and Discussion; 15) Conclusion or Final Considerations (optional); 16) Acknowledgments (if necessary); and 17) References. Submitted articles must have a minimum of five pages, including figures and tables.
Manuscripts in this category constitute short articles with up to four pages in the final published electronic version. Notes must contain the results of scientific research developed by one or more authors, the information of which has not been submitted/partially or entirely published in any journal or book. The scientific context of each article should be based on up-to-date national and/or international literature. Articles must have the following sequential organization: 1) title (concise and informative, containing up to 20 words); 2) name(s) of author(s); 3) institutional affiliation(s) of author(s) together with postal address; 4) name and e-mail of corresponding author; 5) Resumo or Abstract (concise and informative, delineating the objective and presenting the main results of the study in up to 200 words); 6) running head, not exceeding 40 characters; 7) text of article (without sections); 8) Acknowledgments (if necessary); and 9) References. Submitted notes should have up to four pages, including figures and tables.
Thematic reviews
Manuscripts in this category must address scientific concepts, themes or topics of the interest of the authors based on essential, pertinent and updated references for the understanding and development of the subject. Reviews must have the following structure: 1) title (concise and informative, containing up to 25 words); 2) name(s) of author(s); 3) institutional affiliation(s) of author(s) together with postal address; 4) name and e-mail of corresponding author; 5) Resumo (concise and informative, delineating the objective and presenting the main results of the study in up to 200 words in Portuguese); 6) key words in Portuguese (four to six words that do not overlap those in the title); 7) Abstract (concise and informative, delineating the objective and presenting the main results of the study in up to 200 words in English); 8) Key words in English (four to six words identical to those in the resumo); 9) running head, not exceeding 40 characters; 10) text of manuscript (may have sections); 11) Acknowledgments (if necessary); and 12) References.
Manuscripts in this category serve as a forum for the academic discussion of relevant issues within the scope of the journal, in which professors/researchers can express their views. Following the decision of the editorial staff, the journal may publish responses or considerations from other professors/researchers to stimulate the discussion on the issue raised. Manuscripts in this category must have the following structure: 1) title (concise and informative, containing up to 20 words); 2) name(s) of author(s); 3) institutional affiliation(s) of author(s) together with postal address; 4) name and e-mail of corresponding author; 5) Resumo or Abstract (concise and informative, delineating the main aspects of the texts in up to 200 words); 6) running head, not exceeding 40 characters; 7) text of manuscript (may have sections); 8) Acknowledgments (if necessary); and 9) References. Submitted manuscripts should have up to ten pages, including graphs, figures and tables.
Presentation of books, news, opinions, printing errors and obituaries
Manuscripts in these categories will announce news regarding academic issues within the scope of the journal. Professors/researchers can announce the release of books and relevant news items as well as communicate the passing of individuals, together with a summary of their academic and/or scientific career. Manuscripts in these categories must have the following structure: 1) title (concise and informative, containing up to 20 words); 2) name(s) of author(s); 3) institutional affiliation(s) of author(s) together with postal address; 4) name and e-mail of corresponding author; 5) text of manuscript (may have sections); 6) Acknowledgments (if necessary); and 7) References (if necessary). Submitted manuscripts should have up to three pages, including graphs, figures and tables.
Manuscripts of an editorial nature will be drafted by the editorial staff or guest professors/researchers. Editorials address information offered to the community on the organization, operations, publishing, scope, importance and status of the journal as well as issues involving the scientific policies of the journal.
Citations of References
Authors must insert citations of references in the text in strict compliance with the model presented below (note the punctuation style). References must follow a chronological order whenever cited in parentheses.
- One author: ...Filho (2016), Filho (2016a,b), Filho (2015, 2016), Filho (2015, 2016a,b), (Filho 2016), (Filho 2016a,b) or (Filho 2015, 2016)...
- Two authors: ...Filho & Oliveira (2016), Filho & Oliveira (2016a,b), Filho & Oliveira (2015, 2016), Filho & Oliveira (2015, 2016a,b), (Filho & Oliveira 2016), (Filho & Oliveira 2016a,b), (Filho & Oliveira 2015, 2016) or (Filho & Oliveira 2015, 2016a,b)...
- Three or more authors: ...Filho et al. (2016), Filho et al. (2016a,b), Filho et al. (2015, 2016), Filho et al. (2015, 2016a,b), (Filho et al. 2016), (Filho et al. 2016a,b), (Filho et al. 2015, 2016) or (Filho et al. 2015, 2016a,b)...
- Two or more authors in parentheses: ...(Filho 2016; Filho & Oliveira 2016; Filho et al. 2016; Filho et al. 2016a,b)...
The journal will not accept texts that employ grey literature. Authors must base their manuscripts on studies published in indexed journal and books or book chapters. Monographs, dissertations and theses may be mentioned as reference.
All references cited in the text must be listed in this section and strictly follow the model and sequence presented below (note the punctuation style). Titles of journal must be written in full (no abbreviations). The editors recommend one (1) page of references for four (4) pages of text (Introduction to Discussion). References in this section must be listed in alphabetical order.
- Name of author (year of publication) Title of article. Name of journal without abbreviation and in italics, volume (number - optional): page interval.
- Ximenes M.E.R., Gonçalves I.C.B., Miyahira I.C., Lacerda L.E.M. & Santos S.B. (2022) Para além das plantas: diversidade de moluscos límnicos no Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. Pesquisa e Ensino em Ciências Exatas e da Natureza, 6(1): 23-34.
- Name of author (year of publication) Title of book. Edition of book. City in which book was published: publisher. Total number of pages.
- Dillon R.T. (2000) The ecology of freshwater molluscs. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. 509 p
Book chapter
- Name of author (year of publication) Title of book. Title of chapter (page interval of chapter). In: Name of editors or organizers of book. Title of book, edition or volume of book. City in which book was published: publisher. Total number of pages.
- Braga R.M.R.B., Miyahira I.C., Lacerda L.E.M., Gonçalves I.C.B. & Santos S.B. (2014) The influence of an invasive gastropod on the population dynamics of Pisidium punctiferum (Sphaeriidae) in an insular impacted stream in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (p. 97–114). In: Piza A.R.T., Tallarico L.F., Introíni G.O. & Santos S.B. (Eds). Medical andapplied malacology crossing boundaries: integrative approaches to malacology. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 230 p.
Monograph, dissertation and thesis
- Name of author(s) (year of publication) Title of monograph, dissertation or thesis. Monograph, Dissertation or Thesis, Information on Postgraduate Program. Institution to which Postgraduate Program is affiliated, City.
- Lima S.F.B. (2010) Os caecídeos do grupo Elephantulum no Atlântico oeste. Dissertação (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zoologia). Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Electronic database
- Name of author(s)/databse (year of publication) Title of database. Electronic address (date of access).
- MolluscaBase (2024). MolluscaBase. Available at: (Accessed on: 20/08/2024).
Maps, photographs, drawings, graphs, formulas and equations constitute figures and must be carefully prepared. All figures must be numbered in sequence using Arabic numerals and cited in the text as: (Figure 1), (Figure 2), (Figures 1–2) or (Figure 1, 3). Compound figures must be identified as (Figure 1A), (Figure 1B), (Figure 1A–B), (Figure 1A, C), (Figures 1A, C, 2, 3A) and have separate legends. Authors must provide figures with good quality (TIFF or JPEG format and minimum resolution of 300 DPI), containing, whenever necessary, a scale bar in kilometers (km), meters (m), centimeters (cm), millimeters (mm) or micrometers (µm) to demonstrate the size of the area or object. Authors must position the reference to figures (Figure 1) in the text. Figure legends and figures must appear after the References. Figure legends must be concise and self-explanatory. Color figures are welcome. Figure files must be sent separately after the acceptance of the work for publication. Assistant editors have the right to make small changes in figures in compliance with the standardization of the journal.
Tables must be numbered in sequence using Arabic numerals and cited in the text as (Table 1), (Table 2) or (Tables 1–2). Vertical lines must not be used in tables. The authors must position the reference to tables (Table 1) in the text. Table legends and tables must appear after the References. Table legends must be concise and self-explanatory.
Units, numerical values, formulas, coordinates and scientific names
- All numbers in the text must be expressed as Arabic numerals;
- The journal recognizes the units of the international system, which should be employed in abbreviated form (e.g., km, m, kg, g);
- Use “t” for; “h”, “min” and “s” for hours, minutes and seconds, respectively;
- Use spaces between amounts and units (e.g., 2 m, 3 kg, 7 g), except degrees centigrade, coordinates and percentages (e.g., 37°C; 41°N, 1°17'E, 10%);
- Do not include spaces between arithmetic symbols and numerical values (e.g., >7, <7, a=b+1);
- Use “.” as the decimal marker (e.g., 10.5, 12.25 etc.);
- Do not include any symbol to separate groups of one hundred (e.g., 5200, 10300 etc.);
- Coordinates (if possible) must be in degrees, minutes and seconds (e.g., 24°32'75''S, 53°06'31''W);
- Generic and specific scientific names must be in italics and must include the name of the author and year of the description when mentioned the first time in the text.
International Code of Nomenclature
Scientific names and the set of rules and guidelines governed by the International Code of Nomenclature must follow the specifications of their respective codes.
Ethics committee
For studies involving human subjects, Pesquisa e Ensino em Ciências Exatas e da Natureza will only evaluate manuscripts of studies that have been approved by a Human Research Ethics Committee. A declaration of approval from the ethics committee will need to be sent together with the submission of the manuscript.
Submission, evaluation process and editorial policy
Editors-in-chief will receive and forward all submissions to the section editors, who will verify whether the manuscript meets the requirements delineated in “Instructions for Authors”. The submission of a manuscript to Pesquisa e Ensino em Ciências Exatas e da Natureza implies that all coauthors have approved and agreed with the content of the text, tables and graphic material. It will be the sole responsibility of the corresponding author for all coauthors to have correct information regarding the content of the manuscript submitted to the journal. The manuscript will be sent to the section editor in charge of the evaluation process, who will select and forward the document for the evaluation of two or three potential reviewers. Potential reviewers are researchers with a satisfactory degree of experience regarding the topic of the manuscript, corroborated by scientific publications in the last five years. Authors may suggest the name, institutional address and e-mail of up to five potential reviewers (ad hoc consultants). It will be the section editor’s responsibility to carefully choose the reviewers of the manuscript, regardless of the authors’ suggestions. The section editor should avoid ad hoc consultants who have direct involvement with the authors of manuscripts. The journal is based on a double-blind system in which the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers and vice versa. Ad hoc consultants will present the following decision regarding a manuscript that has been evaluated: (A) Rejected for publication; (B) Accepted for publication with no changes to the content; (C) Accepted for publication after minor revision; or (D) Accepted for publication after major revision. Articles will be refused by the section editors after two rejections for publication. Authors must present a revised version of a manuscript accepted for publication with all changes or corrections suggested by the reviewers highlighted throughout the text. Authors must duly justify any suggestion that has not been heeded. The section editor will consider the manuscript accepted for publication after the author(s) meet ALL requirements and recommendations by the reviewers, except points that have been duly justified. Section editors may make small changes in the text to improve the clarity without affecting the style of the manuscript. The section editor will then forward the manuscript to the assistant editor, who will print and send a provisory version (paper proof) for the authors to review. The assistant editor has the right to make small changes in the manuscript, especially the graphic portion, for reasons of standardization and fitting tables and/or figures within the format of the journal. The editorial staff prohibits substantial changes and the distribution of the paper proof by the author(s). In this step, the authors must read the paper proof carefully to determine any problems in the text related to the diagramming process. The authors need to communicate to the assistant editor any diagramming problem with the manuscript so that corrections can be made, followed by a new version of the paper proof for the author(s) to review. After approval of the paper proof by the author(s), the PDF of the manuscript will be published on the website of the journal. The editorial staff prohibits the sale of manuscripts published by Pesquisa e Ensino em Ciências Exatas e da Natureza.
Declaration of copyright
Authors that publish in this journal agree to the following terms:
A) The author(s) and journal hold the publication rights; the authors concede to the journal the right of first publication, with the prohibition of complete or partial reproduction under any previously unpublished condition; any subsequent use of portions of manuscripts (e.g., figures, tables, graphs, etc.) published in Pesquisa e Ensino em Ciências Exatas e da Natureza must recognize the authorship and original publication.
B) Authors have the right to disseminate the publication and even make the final PDF of the work available on any institutional or private website as well as deposit a printed version of the publication in national and international libraries.
Privacy, confidentiality and impartiality policies
The names and addresses informed in this journal are used exclusively for services of the journal and are not made available or employed for any other purposes. The members of the editorial staff will protect the confidentiality of submitted manuscripts, regardless of whether being refused or subsequently published in this or any other journal. No member of the editorial staff can use information or interpretations from manuscripts submitted to the journal. The editorial staff will preserve the anonymity of the authors and reviewers throughout the manuscript review process. The editorial staff should treat all manuscripts submitted to the journal in an impartial manner. Moreover, the staff must respect the intellectual independence of all authors, who have the right to respond in cases of non-approval of a manuscript. The editorial staff has complete autonomy to exclude any staff member who causes any problem for the journal.
Liste de vérification de la soumission
All submissions must meet the following requirements:
- This submission meets the requirements in the Author Guidelines Diretrizes para autores.</li >
- The manuscript has not been submitted to or published in another journal.
Mention de droit d'auteur
Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:
A) Author (s) and the journal maintain the rights of publication; the authors grant the journal the right of first publication, being prohibited their total or partial reproduction in any character of novelty; any subsequent use of excerpts from manuscripts (e.g., figures, tables, graphics, etc.) published in Research and Teaching in Exact and Natural Sciences must acknowledge the original authorship and publication.
B) Authors have the right to disseminate the publication itself, and may also make available the final PDF of the work in any institutional or private site, as well as depositing the printing of the publication in national and international libraries.
Déclaration de confidentialité
Names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.